Tuesday 30 October 2012

Surface area and volume solved problem for class IX

Q. The external and internal diameters of a hollow hemi-spherical vessel are 16cm and 12cm respectively the cost of painting 1 sq. cm of surface is Rs.2 .find the cost of painting the vessel?
Given, R = 16 cm and r = 12 cm
Area of outer surface = 2πR 2
Area of inner surface = 2πr 2
Area of the ring at the top = πR – πr 2
Total area to be painted = (2πR + 2πr )+ (πR – πr 2) = π(3R r 2)
= 22/7 x(3 x 16 x 16 + 12 x 12)=2866.29 sq. cm
Cost of painting = Rs (2 × 2866.29) = Rs 5732.57
Q. If a cone I cut into two parts by a horizontal plane passing through the mind – point if its axis. Find the ratio of the volumes of the upper part and the cone.

Let the height and radius of the given cone be H and R respectively.
The cone is divided into two parts by drawing a plane through the mid points of its axis and parallel to the base. One part is a smaller cone and the other part is a frustum of cone.
Þ OC = CA = H/2
Let the radius of smaller cone be r cm.
OCD = OAB = 90°
COD = AOB (common)
ΔOCD ΔOAB (AA similarity criterion)
ÞOA/OC =AB/CD=OB/OD Þ H/H/2 =R/r Þ  R=2r
Now, Volume of smaller cone / Volume of cone  =( 1/3 X p CD2 X OC) / (1/3 X p AB2 X OA )
  = (1/3 X p r2 X H/2) ¸  (1/3 X p R2 X H ) Þ (1/3 X p r2 X H/2) ¸  {1/3 X p (2r)2 X H }
=1/6 ¸4/3 =1:8    Ratio of volume of upper part to the cone is 1:8.

Q. A solid cylinder is melted and cast into a cone of same radius .Find  the ratio of their  heights ?
Let the height of the cylinder = h1
Let the height of the cone = h2
Volume of the cylinder (V1) = πr2h1
Volume of the cone formed (V2)= (1/3) πr2h2
Since cone is formed from the cylinder, hence the volume is same.
(V1) = (V2)
πr2h1 = (1/3) πr2h2
3 h1 = h2
h1/ h2 = 1/3
h/ h1 = 3/1
Therefore, height of the cone and cylinder are in the ratio of 3 : 1.

Q. if the height of a cylinder is doubled, by what number must the radius of the base be multiplied so that the resulting cylinder has the same volume as the original cylinder?
V = p R²h
If the height is doubled the new volume would be
v = pr²(2h) = 2pr²h

If v =V then
p R²h =  2pr²h
R²  = 2r²
 R²/2  = r²
√R²/2  = r
1/√2 x R  = r
R would have to be multiplied by 1 / √2
v = 2p (1/2R)2h = pr²h = Original volume V.
 Q. If each edge of a cube is increased by 50% then what is the percentage increase in the surface area of the cube?
Initital Surface Area Of Cube = 6a2
Final Edge Of Cube = a+50/100*x = 3a/2
FInal Surface Area = 6x3a/2x 3a/2 = 54a2/4 = 27a2/2
Increase In Surface Area = 27a2/2 - 6a2 = 15a2/2
Now Percentage = Increase/Initial x 100
15a2/2 / 6a2 x  100 = 15a2/2 x 1/6a2 x  100 = 125%
Q. What length of tarpaulin 3 m wide will be required to make conical tent of height 8 m and base radius 6m? Assume that the extra length of material that will be required for stitching margins and wastage in cutting is approximately 20 cm.
Given, height of conical tent = 8 m
and radius of tent = 6 m
Now, slant height of tent l = √ h2 + r2 = √ 82 + 62  = 10m
Curved surface area of tent = p rl= .14 x 6 x 10=188.4 sq. m 
Given, breadth of tarpaulin sheet = 3 m
Let the length of tarpaulin sheet required will be equal to x m.
It is given that 20 cm (or 0.2 m) length of material is wasted in stitching margins and cutting.
Effective length of tarpaulin sheet = (x - 0.2) m
It is quite clear that, area of sheet = curved surface area of tent
(x- 0.2) × 3 = 188.4
(x- 0.2) = 62.8
x = 62.8 + 0.2 = 63 m
Hence, the tarpaulin sheet of 63 m length will be required to make conical height of given dimensions.
Q.If four times the sum of the areas of two circular faces of a cylinder of height 8cm is equal to the twice the curved surface area then find the diameter of the cylinder.
Let the radius of the given cylinder be 'r' cm and height be 'h' cm.
Given, height of cylinder = h = 8 cm
Now, area of circular face of cylinder = pr2 
Therefore, area of two circular faces =pr2   + pr2   = 2pr2 
Also, curved surface area of cylinder = 2pr x 8 =16pr 
According to the given condition,
4 × area of two circular faces of cylinder = 2 × curved surface area of cylinder
4x 2pr2  = 2 x 16pr 
r2      =  4r
r = 4   So, r = 4 cm Hence, diameter of the cylinder = 2 × 4 cm = 8 cm 


  1. it is really helpful and the questions are likely the types that come in the exams

  2. The answer of first is wrong
    The radius should be 8cm and 6cm respectively whereas diameters are taken
